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Foundations Of Real Estate Management

To register for the course and pay by credit card,  sign in with your user name and password.  (Don't have one yet?  Click Create New Password and continue).  To pay by check, click here, complete the enrollment form and mail in with your company check.
Foundations is a five module course delivered over five Fridays.  Each module contains a building tour of operations taught that day. This course is aimed at new-hires and is a refresher for those returning to operations.  Click here for a complete course description. The course also reinforces on-the-job training for junior and assistant property managers.

New students who attend BOMA's 2018 Foundations of Real Estate Management class, and register for a Real Property Administrator (RPA) designation course, BOMI International will waive the $225.00 RPA Designation fee.

2/2/2018 9:00 AM - 3/2/2018 4:00 PM
650 California Street Lower Conference Room San Francisco, CA UNITED STATES
Online registration not available.

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To create an account, please contact Megan Kelly, Manager of Membership at [email protected].