Low-level terror attacks are occurring at an increased frequency around the world. Are you and your team prepared to respond?
What agencies will be there to assist? How long will it take for your property operations to return to normal? BOMA’s Emergency Preparedness Seminar will educate members on the importance of preparing their property and team members for this type of situation through a keynote speaker and panel presentation. Attendees will receive key preparedness information to take back to their ownership/property management group, engineering and security teams, and tenants.
Keynote Presenter: Dr. Erroll G. Southers, Managing Director for Counter-Terrorism & Infrastructure Protection at TAL Global
Dr. Southers is an internationally recognized expert on counterterrorism, public safety, infrastructure protection, and homeland security. He is the Director of the Homegrown Violent Extremism Studies Program at the University of Southern California, where he is also a Professor of the Practice of Governance.
Speakers and Panelists:
Chief Joanne Hayes-White, San Francisco Fire Department
Chief Bill Scott, San Francisco Police Department
Peter Franklin, Chair Emeritus, BOMA San Francisco’s Emergency Preparedness
Committee & TAL Global Managing Director
Jackson Talbot, Assistant Director, Safety and Security, Boston Properties
Bonnie Kalbrosky, 2017 Chair of BOMA San Francisco’s Emergency Preparedness
Committee & General Manager with Brookfield Office Properties
Steve Colvin, Senior VP, Property Management at Boston Properties
Ed Wise, Chief Security Officer, Transamerica Pyramid Center
Eric McGarty, Senior Vice President, Allied Universal Security Services
Joseph Collier, Client Manager, Allied Universal Security Services
Jeff Ellis, Security Manager, Transamerica Pyramid Center
Eric Granera, Security Systems and Safety Manager, American Assets Trust, Inc.
Event Sponsored by: Allied Universal, AVS, HARBRO Emergency Services & Restoration, Kastle Systems, Securitas
Click here for a printable registration form which may be used to pay by check.
Policies: Reservations are due 3 business days prior to the event. No reservations will be made without payment in advance. Cancellations will be accepted up to 3 business days prior to the event with refund. You may designate someone from your company as a replacement. No refunds or credits for no-shows.