Excellence in Advocacy: Honoring Ken Cleaveland, VP, Public Policy, BOMA San Francisco
After a long career in the association management field and having served BOMA San Francisco the past 22 years as leader of our organization’s legislative and regulatory advocacy efforts, Ken Cleaveland will be retiring on December 31, 2017. We’re dedicating our last general membership luncheon of the year to pay tribute to Ken and to thank him for his outstanding service. Please join your colleagues, friends, BOMA leaders, community partners, and special guests in honoring Ken at our November Membership Luncheon.
William K. (Ken) Cleaveland has represented the legislative, political and regulatory interests of BOMA San Francisco members since 1995 and is now its Vice President for Public Policy. He has had a long and distinguished career as an advocate for the commercial real estate and construction industries that has spanned more than 30 years and has included work at the local, state and national levels. Cleaveland was appointed to the Fire Commission by Mayor Edwin M. Lee in March of 2014 and currently serves as its president. Before joining BOMA, Cleaveland worked for the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association and several chapters of the Associated Builders and Contractors. He served as President of the Northern California Society of Association Executives and on a number of civic boards including the San Francisco Dept. of Public Works’ Newsrack Committee, the Mayor’s Graffiti Advisory Board and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s Citizen Advisory Committee. He received a B.A. degree in Sociology from Florida State University.
Policies: Reservations are due 3 business days prior to the event. No reservations will be made without payment in advance. Cancellations will be accepted up to 3 business days prior to the event with refund.
To pay by check, click here to print a registration form, complete it and email back to [email protected]. Payment should be mailed to BOMA SF, 233 Sansome Street, 8th Floor, SF, CA 94104.